Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Dream with in a Dream ..

 My thoughts are not peaceful of late ..  I feel unsettled ..
I am not sleeping well .. My mind must stay clear ..
So many thoughts on mind .. It is almost as if I am stuck in between cross hairs
of passages. This can not be good !! It means one thing ..
I must continue to reach,  go out of my comfort zone . Expand my practices ..
Grow in thought, deeds and actions .. Nods ..
Keeping my innocence and Naive ways for the outside to see
 The Puzzel Box .. the voices  .. The whispers ..
Breezy listens ..  carefully ..  
The workings of a strong and flawless dream "meditation" will allow you to live a dream through with a person just as you wish it to happen. Done correctly, they will have the same dream as you send - and get the message you are trying to give them.
But you must know exactly what you are doing.
Step by Step ..
 . Decide who your goal is, and be able to visualize then very well:
** What Phrases do they use often?
** What color are their eye? Skin?
** What style clothes do they wear?
** What gestures do they use?
** What is their personality like?
** What habits do they have?
** How do they sit, speak, walk, eat?
** What does their voice sound like?
** What is their smile like? Their frown?
** What is their attitude towards you? Others?
This will be important later on.
Decide what you need to express, and how you will do it:
** How do you want the dream to go?
** What do you want to send message / feelings?
** Think of the scenery, the actions; where will you go and how will you get there?
** Will there be any other people in the dream?
** Will there be objects and or places that are symbolic?
** At any point, will there be music or sounds?
** What emotions do you wish to convey, how should the person respond to them?
Now it's time to put these together and begin the meditation.
 Thoughts of the mind .. Actions of the soul ...
A Life is to be lived not bought nor sold . 
Mere jokes  perhaps .. Results depth in a  strenghtened heart and  wiser being ..
There's a perverse sort of satisfaction in doing this that's hard to describe,
but if this is what's driving her, she recognizes it.
Perhaps ?? 
 Tonight is a fantastic night
To be matched with vivid dreams
Of any situation I desire
Everything is what I want seen.
Delicate but rich like chocolate
Warm and delightful as a lover's touch
I use my 6th sense to produce
Dreams like I were awake with much
Sensory reactions I can
Smell, touch, taste, know
A higher vibrational field,
No bad allowed, is where I will go.
Awaken refreshed, clear, confident mind
Recalling my travels to miniscule detail
Any night I say these words
Good dreams shall prevail.
Wa doe, June-eela
        Thank you, all that is sacred.
Now it's time to put these together and begin the meditation.
Find a time when you are sure the person is alseep. Generally, for most people with somewhat normal sleep schedules, you can count on 3am as being a good time. You can do it closer to the time they will wake up. They will remember it better, but you will be taking a risk. They may wake up before you finish, or they might even awaken before you begin. This is not a good thing - when you are trying to send a dream to someone, and they are awake, it will often make them feel negative towards you. Subconsciously, it gets them in "You are invading my mind!" mode. They won't know why, but they might feel odd around you.
So Mote Be ..

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The time is near ......

 The Letter Arrived  from her Mentor .. Breezy was captivated and quite moved .
How could he know so very much from afar  !!
 A Great  New Secret Darkness was coming .. It was on its way . was the message .
 My Lovely Breezy is how it begun.. It was always How it begun .
But the words written and the message with in the letter ..were quite stern ..
laced with  stunning information . I shall share just a bit here ..
Pay attention Breezy, You continue to keep a low profile and remain quiet to the outside .
Let them think what ever they wish of you .. It is not important about what others think at all .
Especially Him , It is about you and your inner  powers and what you shall do with them .
 You can protect yourself and Your own ..
But it is Man kind that will need  the help of your secret powers and OOE.
The Villagers of Goatswood have some very dark times building ahead of them.
Its time  for you to prepare my dear ..
You have the powers You need . You can , shall and will do this !!!
For the Fallen are restless bored and frustrated .
You know they are the enemy .
Your kindness gentle and loving heart can not heal,fix nor save them .
They will run and avoid your strength ..
Twist and play with your words,mind,  as they laugh and deceive you tenfold.
It is time to for that beautiful inner Strength of yours my dear ..
You can not let them win nor beat you !!
No Fear or Weakness Now,  for this is what the dark shine and bask in .
It is time to stop playing games dear Breezy, pay attention .
Ready your Knights to be on the look out and prepared !
Call your Knights and Go to your temple with call upon the Internal Flame
 and Let the Power of Light to Guild , Strengthen You all !!
 Breezy read over the letter several times  before she went right to the fire to burn it !!
She would follow the letter and she would now behave wisely .
She will take her teachings, leanings and experiences both good and dreaded into accountability
to ready her Knights .
She started with her First Knight Raven ..
The wise calm gifted Raven, A man, of  great strength in mind , physical and matter .
Together they met by the tree with the face .. as His beloved  raven Kore .
Her Flight was beautifully and strong .
The bird had also been aware something was in the air ..  She calmed and settled as Raven fed her .
She  listened to the two speak of  what was  in the works around them .
Lord Raven had some information to share of his own .. as Breezy listened quietly .
She also shared just a wee bit with him . Alas Breezy never really had to say much
for Sir Raven to know .. He was gallant that way . a True First Knight !!
They spoke in a low tone for quite sometime and observed the company not far away ..
there were and are  after all, always other's eyes upon them . nods  They both were quite aware ..

Friday, February 15, 2013

We Have Two More Knights !!

What makes us each Special is not all what we can do for and we think of ourselves
but rather what we give and do with no conditions for an another .
Humility , Chivalry, Valor can not be faked, nor can they be bought and sold .
For they each must be earned and worked for .  
To be Knight_ No small task in any world nor any time ..
To treat all fellow mankind with equality and kindness.
To be forgiving and noble not an easy path . 
These unique characters that choose this path are to be commended .
Their Souls are deep !!!
This is The Ceremony  for two squires that are Most Special and Dear  to me !!
((of course each of Our Knights are as are our members and Lady Kylie :) ))
But this was their day and event to shine in ..
 Oh How they each did ! 
"It is strange to think, I haven't seen you since a month. I have seen the new moon, but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises, but nothing of your beautiful face. The pieces of my broken heart are so small that they can be passed through the eye of a needle. I miss you like the sun misses the flower; like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to. I next compete in the city of Paris, I will find it empty and in the winter if you are not there. Hope guides me, it is what gets me through the day and especially the night. The hope that after you're gone from my sight, it will not be the last time that I look upon you."
No Fronts or Put on here Ladies and Gentlemen .
These are truly two are our Very Best ..
Lord William and Lady Eldenor 
Breezy reads the creed and asks who shall sponsor these two New Knights .
Lady Kylie and Sir Yahoo  step forward .. 
Each have worked hard and continue to study and work through their skills and paces .
My heart races to gift these two this most special Day .
For where ever these paths shall take us for always 
I shall guard you each with my Soul .. 
Now more then ever we Must be strong .
For it is The Quality of each of You
That shall build our circle and Round Table !
Out Battles are deep and Long in on going .
We shall not win all . But we will continue to Grow Strong !
I and the Light of God's Will are Counting on YOU !! 
With the powers of The Eternal Light
I dub thee Sir William .
You are quite ready and We are most Blessed to have Thee !! 
Sir William The OOE Third Knight 
Next up was dear Lady Eldenor . 
Breezy takes a moment for this Lovely Woman is close to breezy's own heart . 
The path she is about to embark shall be even more complicated .
Breezy knows the Dark , she learns daily of  suffering.
She herself does not fear The Dark and Evil ..
For she Understands now, more then ever .....
The cruelty The Fallen can give , take and demand ..
My Darling Eldenor.... are you truly ready !!!!
Indeed she is ... 
Lady Eldenor .. The OOE Forth Knight ! 
The True Knight
FOR knighthood is not in the feats of warre, 
As for to fight in quarrel right or wrong, 
But in a cause which truth can not defarre: 
He ought himself for to make sure and strong, 
Justice to keep mixt with mercy among: 
And no quarrel a knight ought to take 
But for a truth, or for the common's sake. 
_Stephen Haes

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Annual Mardi Gras Celebration At The RoeBuck Inn

Ah Mardi Gras  Fat Tuesday at The Roebuck Inn !!
Any excuse to dress up and have a party ..
 The Inn Keepers do Love an excuse to dress to the nines ..
Don't we Mr Masterson .. chuckles .. 
Some parties are too good to miss out on. Mardi Gras — that’s French for fat Tuesday —
 Soon Our Guests began to arrive ..
The Baron proved to be Quite the Mistro .. ie entire Band 
And Played quite impressively through out the Night ! 
complete with *catchy little jazz tune*, Particles *grins* and *Fireworks* at the end !!
^note  inventory brawl to saved for next time^
Thank YOU Sir .. 
 The costumes and guests were each outstanding ..
For each of their support and patronage appreciated tenfold !
Animated  Teddy complements of Dr Anna ..
Isn't he just adorable . 
 and The Baron Played on !!!! 
*Wonderful Character really .. His Tailor did help to make him shine*
 Each Lady and Gentleman were just over the top fun and Stunning !!!
Just Beautiful !!!! Breezy is so Sorry she could not grab more captures 
as the Grid was not working with her ..
She did the best she could . smiles . 
Gasp !!!!!!!
The GLass Cover had been  removed from The Hand of Glory !!!!
and its Flame went Out !!!
Not many noticed .. But a few .
Myself and Mr Jax knew at once there was reason for concern ..
The party continued .. Alas what was ahead ..  
Shudders !!!! 
For a Moment I thought I caught a glimpse of The Lord Of Manor .. 
Alas it was just an illusion I am sure ..  or am I  ... 
Of Course the Local witch was in all her glory .
Breezy took time to observe her  .. Taking note to the evil one's new found pleasure 
of the evening .. The women each did their own notes to the flame quietly exchanging glares .  
Then it was Outside for Conga !!!   
The Beautiful Miss Suzette Lead the way as The Baron Played On .. 
 Then All of a Sudden Out of No Where ..
Bang Bang Bang !!!!!
Horse Galloping in !!!!
More Bang Bang Bang Bang .((and  big ol *toon* ..now said to be bullets bouncing off !)) 
Breezy fainted .. and was Helped by both The Stunning Doctor Anna 
and the  Kind adorable Gypsy Gal Miss Amber . 
In No time it was back to More Conga .. as the Fireworks Continued ...
hey for a Tuesday Night in February 20 plus people turn out .
We were thrilled .. Thank you so much to each of the Spectacular characters 
that stopped by and supported The Roubuck Inn !! 
But What about the Hand of Glory ??
What about The Highway Man ???
and The Roebuck Inn ..
Continues to be Open for Business ..
Where's this place you ask ??
Why Its the Village of  Goastswood of Course !! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Gypsies Imbolc Ceremony

 Breezy arrived early and was in awe of the Bond Fire .. She would make a point to keep a low profile and just blend in .. nods .. she would .. 
 Soon many locals arrived .. smiles all in white .. 
 Miss Amber Greeted her Guests as She and Miss Moon
where perfect Hostesses ! 
Miss Amber had darling curls .. 
 Miss Moon .. lovely as always .. 
 Breezy soon met up with Dr Anna .. 
... Lord Cromwell seemed a bit too observant  of and close for comfort to
 The Goat ..  just my humble opinion  there .. 
The Lurkers ....  
 Miss Amber  swept away ... 
the local gypsy clan celebrated Candlemas in a most unusual yet quaint and delightful manner. In a ceremony they call Imbolc, the Gypsies performed several traditional tasks to chase away winter, such as sweeping away the old, and lighting candles, and drinking fresh milk, and to bring forth spring.
 Merry Merry .. were ... ALmost All .. smiles  
 The Lord of Manor ..((land and world)) seemed Modestly Content .. 
I had to miss the Fireworks  but The Event was an Spectacular Success .. 
Kudos TO Miss Amber and Miss Moon  !!!