Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Most simple Spell to a Grand beginning .

 Breezy was heavy in thought .. She knew she had to make the long trip back  To Irvington .
There was paper work waiting and the servants were expecting her.
Yet something was not quite right .. Its just for a night or two and I shall return .. she thought. 
She reached in her pocket and felt the bit of pine branch still there .. Some how she found it comforting.
She let it run along her finger tips and  smiled she got ready  for her trip . 
Then Loneliness never bothered  Breezy . 
A Passionate gal , deep from the center of her heart,right down through her soul ..Indeed,
 She felt many things deeply . 
Being different was second nature .. Being on This Path however,  was no short order .
Regardless of the fact , whether her Sensitivity and Passion may be a gift .. or curse .. Still !! 
There was no room for self doubts or being insecure .. Far too much was riding on the line.
 ....and now yes even on and with in herself.
She would not be broken nor back away or down .. 
This is Exciting she thought to herself .. 
She would continue on this journey, unnoticed by some, laughed and whispered about by more,
 while others may even wish to take from her.
She knew the score,and it was so not stacked in her favor for the tasks at hand .
The world was not kind .. People are small in general and most if given the chance, would easily attempt to hurt .  Its easy for them when they do not care . "Oh I didn't know" or perhaps
 "All that light stuff it does not really matter"
The bonds of  dark and the evil are strong !!!
Sad to say its even human nature .. She closed her eyes and let the Steam from the Fresh Pure
 Hot water from the sky of a full Moon, cleanse her mind 
from negatives and the voice of doubt .
No No No !  She Shouted out loud  You will not win !!!
Then she was still and she .. fell off  into a deep  dream state .
She dreamed of The Sword and The Knights who Protected it .
She dreamed of the Path of Right in The Light.
She awoke knowing it would be alright ..
Not easy but then nothing good ever is . 
She sat by the fire that night and she looked into her own soul .
she held on tight to her pendent.. The stone felt good.
Deep deep with in .  Her purpose was  to learn all she can ..
to gain not only the wisdom , but  the strength she must have
to take on these new unknowns .. Be Wise, Be Aware, Stay Kind, Be Strong .
To Thy own Self be true .. 
Breezy Sat by the Fountain with Dragons .. It always was her place
of comfort ..  She ran her fingers  through the  steady stream .
Of fresh Water .. The Night was Young .. The Moon was full .
She glared into the water as it seem to hypnotize her.
She reached down and Opened a small  green velvet pouch .
She poured out the following:  already blessed with a protective spell
evergreen -pine/cones, rosemary,elderberry, garlic , salt ,lavender,and bayberry
 on a small silver dish ,that sat over a white candle's burning  flame .
She then took her fingers and ran through stream flow of full-moon water ...
gently she went  back and forth  and back forth until she began to continue to brush her fingers
 against the currant of the ebb of the water flow .. again she held the stone hanging around her neck.
It was an Onyx stone she wore to defend against any and all  negativity ,directed at her.
The Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light,
 and therefore, can be used to create invisibility.*** more to come on that ***
with an inner strength, as she closed her eyes she spoke out loud ..
Take this *negative* 
 far away to never see the light of day
She then repeated her chant .. 
 " so shall it be "
As The Light be bright within my soul
Emerge from night, safe and whole
Peace is mine at this time
Piercing dark, my light shall shine
For now, for more, and ever true
With light and love am I imbued  
 After words she was quiet knowing she had begun her journey .
For Now the powers of the Earth and Water her friends
She  is aware and thrilled to know and find an Enchanting
 New Start to Most Powerful bond deep with in her with them. 
Later that night .. She sat on the floor by the fire place
 She opened first, her heart, then her mind and her soul filled again with
The Strength, the power The Truth of The Light ..
She quietly thought deep .. deeper and  deepest ..
As the flash cards of visions flowed and lace  through her mind.
When people don't know where to go..  
They should First turn to and feel comfort with the Light ..
As she reached out her arms and opened her hands
The magic of the light  sparkled as The clean moon water splashed off her
She Smiled in Joy.. with her new Gift
She Spent most of  the next Day traveling back to her New True Home Now ..
Goatswood Indeed !!! 
Breezy Looked at the Train compartment before she sat down .
Ah  almost Home ...   just an hour more .. she smiled with her found glow . 
For Dear Breezy Her Own Revels have Just Begun !!!! 
Our revels now are ended'
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, 
As I foretold you, were all spirits and 
Are melted into air, into thin air: 
And,like the baseless fabric of this vision, 
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, 
The solemn temples, the great globe itself, 
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve 
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, 
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff 
As dreams are made on, and our little life 
Is rounded with a sleep. 
William Shakespeare 
From The Tempest, Act 4 Scene 1 

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