Sunday, March 31, 2013

Family Comes to Goatswood to join The OOE Branch

In any world things change and adjustments must be made ..
This is not an easy task to build this Society . It not for all ..
It takes a great deal of loyalty ,built with a certain amount effort,strength and depth.
It is a slow progressive build that must be worked fed and tended to ..
Aren't all good things ??  No pain no gain ...
For it is not just the dark, but rather evil and it's very own deceptions we are and shall be battling ..
Indeed when one door closes another is found ajar ..
waiting to be kicked open to  the new and exciting adventures
that wish to unfold ...
Lord Cornelius Fanshaw had a surprise for Breezy, His Wife has arrived to the Village !!!
Now people may understand why Breezy was so thrilled with Cornelius's arrival.
He indeed carried a message from her mentor .. But his beloved is someone quite dear to breezy as well .
Miss Zoe Conelly, both breezy's cousin and child hood close friend. Their family bonds have endured much over a century in the OOE... Breezy was more then thrilled to see her,
with her modest late arrival  to Village of  Goatswood ..
breezy ... "Zoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your here " ......
Zoe................ "Indeed Sugar" !!!!!!!!!!!!   
Cornelius and Zoe a most dashing couple ..also most wise,clever, brave and quite out the box!
True adventurers in every sense of the word ...Their own list of adventures around the globe plenty. 
Breezy and Zoe  chatted well in the night catching up on so very much ..
Soon the ladies called it a night . They agreed to meet the following evening.
As Breezy had yet another supreme surprise to meet  rather early the morning. 
 There is more .. Zoe's and Breezy's cousin Mr Dagger arrives .....
A long time standing member of the OOE himself .. having his own cult back in the states !
You see the branch in Goatswood needed a bit more in strength.
Yes help, ..came when called upon .
 Ah Skusting ever the quite clever corny edgy Witty artist !
With his very own signature style and flair in muse of rather dark ..
His Humor, most original as his artwork .
If anyone can seek smell keen out dark .. It is indeed My cousin Mr Dagger .
He also has been able to make breezy laugh since they were children ..
Make no doubt  ..Skusting was a one of kind signature Gentleman .
Full of surprises his very own ..  catchy indeed ! 
chuckles .
Of course Zoe was thrilled to see Skusting ..
as was he to see her .. It had been too long .
Years  indeed ..
An extended family gathering in Goatswood .
breezy is pleased, comforted and grateful  for their support
of her extended family in The OOE ..
The three cousins  got down to business  quickly . 
Our Light is not weak ..
Out kindness and Humility are but a few of our traits ..
We are a no nonsense order on a mission .. 
We do not work our White Magic in Public .
Nor do we speak of it  around outsiders Ever. 
 Soon joined by the Dashing Lord Ashley Czartoryski  and impeccable Cornelius Fanshaw
They share stories as they begin the task of  slowly getting to know one another .. and
ideas and laughter were shared as well . 
I can not wait for the others to meet as well ..
small talk yes . but meaningful conversations were unfolding ..
There would be .. more .. much more to come . 
Breezy is not sure what lays ahead .. But she knows OOE will continue to be and grow and stay strong!
What ever the future maybe .. Indeed It shall be OOE strength in Light that shines true .
For together in loyalty and for the good of all mankind  they shall continue .

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Magus .. 10 ...really ??? .... *grins*

Instructions for 'Summon The Great Demons Spell'

For this ritual you must be open minded, confident, prepared, and mentally engaged.A well read Magus at the very least !!! When participating in this ritual, you are giving permission and inviting powerful demonic forces into your life. This is a very serious ritual and should not be underestimated. First off, you should be in a silent dark space alone. (This ritual should only be performed by only one person)You must be facing towards and looking into your own circle. Light the candles (The candles MUST be the specific colors). The candle light should be the only source lighting the space. As you look into yourself, begin to fall into a meditated mind state and focus all your energy onto your communication with the demons. Begin to come in tuned with your mind's energy, and use your mental stimulation to begin the communication. Being in a emotional or intense state of mind, is vital for this ritual to work. You must be determined, willing, and you must believe deep within your soul, that you are communicating with demons. The demons will not appear if they sense you are weak or unsure of yourself. So like said before, be confident. Begin to chant the following :

- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- I call upon the power of the Dark Lordis and I invite the great demons, you may enter -
 (Repeat this five times)
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Life of the great demons, come to us - (Repeat this five times)
Say these chants until you feel the demon's energy. Once you feel the demons have arrived, you can make a pact with them or ask them for a favor. Beware though, don't make a pact or ask a the demons for a favor, unless you are willing to become part of their plan. Cause once you summon The Great Demons, they become attached to you, and even others around you. Just make sure any promises you make with them, you can keep. Giving false promises to these demons, is a very bad idea. Your pact, your oath, or your want, must be loyal and with meaning. If you make a pact with The Great Demons, and break or don't live up to your word, the demons will become angry with you, and life may become stressful & eratic to the one who summons them. Only summon these demons if you have a clear idea and purpose for what you want them to do. These demons have the ability to incite positivity and negativity. When summoning these demons, prepare for noises and voices to appear, apparitions, shadow figures, moving objects, atmosphere change, personallity / emotional changes, and a increase in demonic energy.
Warning : This ritual can be risky, these demons work in devious ways. 
**Please Note This post for Role Play Purpose only ......
In order for Breezy to fight off evil she must prove to herself 
she can summon it as well ..*grins* 
But can she Control It ???????? 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Magus !

The Magus 
There are those who spend their lives poring over ancient tomes and texts, unlocking the power of magic, and there are those who spend their time perfecting the use of individual weapons, becoming masters without equal. The magus is at once a student of both philosophies, blending magical ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique, a discipline in which both spell and steel are used to devastating effect. As one grows in power, the magus unlocks powerful forms of arcana  that allow them to merge their talents further, and at the pinnacle of their art, the magus becomes a blur of steel and magic, 
a force that few foes would dare to stand against.
Magic is the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of  incantation, ceremony, ritual, the casting of  spells or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of Supernatural  agencies or the forces of nature. Magic has been practiced in many cultures, and utilizes ways of understanding, experiencing and influencing the world somewhat akin to those offered by religion, though it is sometimes regarded as more focused on achieving results than religious worship.
Magic is often viewed with suspicion by the wider community,
and is commonly practiced in isolation and secrecy.
Modern Western magicians generally state magic's primary purpose to be personal spiritual growth.
 Modern perspectives on the theory of magic broadly follow two major views. The first sees magic as a result of a universal sympathy within the universe, where if something is done here a result happens somewhere else. The other view sees magic as a collaboration with spirits who cause the effect.
Having considered the possible standpoints from which the Rituals may be regarded, we come now to the distinctions that are made between them, and, first and foremost, to that which has been already mentioned and is artificially instituted between White and Black Magic. The history of this distinction
The contrasts here established seem on the surface perfectly
clear. When we come, however, to compare the ceremonial literature of the two classes, we find that the distinction is by no means so sharp as might be inferred from the definitions. In the first place, so-called Theurgic Ceremonial, under the pretense of White Magic, usually includes the Rites for the invocation of Evil Spirits. Supposing that they are so invoked for the enforced performance of works contrary to their nature, the issue becomes complicated at once, and White Magic must then be defined as the attempt to communicate with Good or Evil Spirits for a good, or at least for an innocent, purpose. This, of course, still leaves a tolerably clear distinction, if I admitted the practical side of the entire subject to anything but unconditional condemnation. Yet the alternative between a good and an innocent object contains all the material for a further confusion. It will be made clear as we proceed that the purposes and ambitions of Magic are commonly very childish, so that we must distinguish really between Black and White Magic, not as between the essentially good and evil, but as between that which is certainly evil and that which may only be foolish. Nor does this exhaust the difficulty. As will also be made evident in proceeding, White Ceremonial Magic seems to admit of a number of intentions which are objectionable, as well as many that are frivolous. Hence it must be inferred that there is no very sharp distinction between the two branches of the Art. It cannot be said, even, that Black Magic is invariably and White Magic occasionally evil. What is called Black Magic is by no means diabolical invariably; it is almost as much concerned with preposterous and stupid processes as the White variety with those of an accursed kind.
In other words there can be no good with out evil ..
Each very distintive in thinking they each matter and are the way !
Thus, the most which can be stated is that the literature falls chiefly into two classes, one of
which usually terms itself  Black, but that they overlap one another.
In what perhaps it may be permissible to call the mind of Magic, as distinct from the effects which are proposed by the Rituals, there has been always a tolerable contrast between the two branches corresponding to Magus and Sorcerer, and the fact that the ceremonial literature tends to the confusion of the distinction may perhaps only stamp it as garbled. But this is not to say that it has been tampered with in the sense of having been perverted by editors. White Magic has not usually been written down into Black; Goëtic Rituals have not been written up in pseudo-celestial terms. They are, for the most part, naturally composite, and it would be impossible to separate their elements without modifying their structure.
But make no doubt .. Good will prevail . it may take a life time .
    (( breezy is white magic after all  :) )) 
Many Life times for that matter .
For the right thing and the hardest thing are usually the same thing .
Evil and dark are watching lurking .. laughing .. suffering .. Perhaps having the time of their lives ..'
As winter comes to a close . The celebrations of  a new Season are powerful .
Out with the depth of cold dark winter ..
Open the gates to new and rebirth of  Mother Nature and all she has to offer.
Lift Life's natural nature heavy blankets and open the ground . Reveal the power
of the beauty of her sleeping jewels and sparkles ..
Wake up the  breath taking sunrises . Unforgettable Sunsets .
Remarkable Gifts of today's and tomorrows .
Let all the New reasons for life in rebirth and triumphs begin
breezy feels  Senet's presence .. she smiles and . just before she puffs . She states
for there can be No Light with out Dark ..
Bless be the dark and lost .. bring them happiness  in each of their true  purpose and meaning.
Dark is always Lurking .. it is relentless .. In all reality . Light really should and could  step up it's plight!!!
Alas .. when the sun shines or not . there are places of the heart mind and soul
the two .. pass  like ships in the wind . But the Soul ..
Ah the soul of Humility can not be untold , bought or sold .
Not sure where this Magus journey shall take breezy ..
She knows it shall not be simple not simple at all
At the end of the day ...
We have a new season . brought in with all the love ,good will and  humility.
Evil shall survive as the battles are endless and the unknown  waiting for each of us .

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Legend of St Patrick ....

Breezy is a Die Hard Romantic when it comes to Humility 
Hence why she decided this Dance was important to have in Goatswood !
The Legend of St Patrick 
For Dead is Dark ........ and Its all around us .  breezy can Feel it !!!!!
While much of St. Patrick's life is clouded by legend, there are some generally agreed-upon facts.

It was while atop the mountain that St. Patrick drove all the snakes in Ireland to the sea. Historians generally agree that this myth serves as a metaphor for St. Patrick's good works. Since snakes are a common pagan symbol — and are not found in Ireland — this tale symbolizes St. Patrick's driving paganism out of Ireland.

Patrick's humility, engaging personality, and knowledge of the social structure in Ireland helped his mission succeed. Eventually he made his headquarters at Armagh (in present-day Northern Ireland). By the time of his death on March 17 between 461 A.D. and 490 A.D., Ireland was almost entirely Christian. St. Patrick is Ireland's patron saint. 
 The Dance Floor was never empty !!!
breezy found herself a wee bit relieved . She did not know 
how the dance would go .. 
Breezy was quietly welcoming guests and admiring the Splendid and a bit usual
 art work of  The Vintner . when she came upon..
 Gasp .. Its the Colonel . in the church at the Alter .. what in the stars ... What a peculiar surprise ..  
Soon she met up with Cornelius Fanshaw already an old friend  to her .. 
they spoke of the wonderful art work .. and the music and decor .
  Cornelius Fanshaw: I see, I won't forget that face in a hurry
 Breezy Carver Fabre (breezy.carver): what an odd place to .. have a portrait done !!
 Cornelius Fanshaw: Curious indeed although in the Middle Ages they used painting to hide all sorts of symbolism
 Cornelius Fanshaw: Perhaps it is some kind of statement
Cornelius Fanshaw steps closer to try and see a signature
 Breezy Carver Fabre (breezy.carver): perhaps .. .. she stares a bit longer .. feeling ..her blood rush to her cheeks . she blushes a bit ..warm almost taken.. ..
Cornelius Fanshaw glances at the lady beside him "Are you alright? You look a little perturbed"
 Breezy Carver Fabre (breezy.carver) shakes her head .. oh no Its alright . I am fine Lord Cornelius just something .. i can not put my finger on it .. perhaps just my vivid imagination, it is as if he... she .. takes a breath .. It is like he is looking back at us deeply ..
 they went on to have a dance or three .  blushes .. 
 others seemed to be enjoying themselves with the sounds of DJ's Dix  dance party ..
not what was intended for the event .. but all went well .. 
The adorable  most smiles delectable Lady D'Rais looked Lovely as always .. smiles  .. 
The Stunning Mary Wellesley, thus far  always Magnificent ! 
 Dr Anna and Wolfie share a quiet dance ..  smiles 
Breezy dear you seem a bit .. uneasy .. are you Alright ? 
You just don't seem yourself .. a bit pre occupied my dear perhaps it's time 
for you take a  nice trip ... he smiled at his partner ..
she looked at him and smiled . ah trip .yes .. perhaps you are right ..
she quietly pondered .. to herself .. The Knights could tend to things .. 
she quietly nodded .. 
to those that were able to make it . Thank you for coming
Special thanks to Baal  for the brilliant decorations.. putting in the stream 
and building the entire Magical place ..  xox  
Thank You Baal . 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ready The Knights .. It is a Process you See ..

 Sometimes a Good Lady just needs her Knights ..
needs to be reminded Chivalry is Strong and Alive In Goatswood !
Grins . As the paths twist and turn .. it is Important to Breezy
she knows she can count on The Precious The Knights of and in The OOE .
These are members that make up The Family of Light ..
Modest each with their very own Gift to the Order.
 Breezy tries her best to keep each close yet give them
The Encouragement and Free Will they each deserve !!
This evening she shared some thoughts on her mind .
Comforted tenfold she was by each of the Men .
The Men of The OOE .
 Rafael, always her trusted Partner first , travels a Great deal .. too much to be honest .
But it is necessary  and purposeful to The Order and his own
Free Will and Mind .. she nods ..
His trust and Valour ever true to The Order as is his own bond to Breezy .
 Lord Ashley Fascinates Breezy .. His Knowledge and Witt
Priceless and most Valuable . He is voice of reason .
with a twist all his very own .. His stories are still unfolding to her .
But his purpose is Clear to both her and the Oder .
 Ah Sir YaYoo the true Romantic .. His charming kind heart .
His pure Mind in thoughts deeds and works .
He too most Valuable ..
Be it in secret or in the eyes of the Public
The Order remains a  stong bond and true Secret . their duties
to and for the Good of All Man Kind
will be challenged  time and time again .
All battles won't be won . But the battles
shall continue and the Knights as well the entire Order Shall be ready !!
So Mote It Be .. in and for The OOE .

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Church of Saint Mary Magdelene  
In the 13th century, due to the pagan reputation of the villagers, a famous Knight, Sir Thomas Foxton was given land in Goatswood by the King, and charged with the task of turning the pagan villagers into good Christian souls.
It was this Knight who built the church of St Mary Magdelene here on Temphill.
It is said that he built it deliberately upon an ancient pagan site.
This made him very unpopular with the villagers.
The wooden Saxon church, which Sir Thomas had demolished, had been built just to the side of the Pagan site and so had never really bothered the Villagers.
Neither had it attracted any of them to the Christian faith.
In fact when Sir Thomas arrived in the Village the church was slowly rotting away.
Within six months he had begun the building
 of what was to become the Church of Saint Mary Magdelene
None of the villagers would participate in the construction, even when forced to do so.
So all the labor was hired from other counties.Construction
The external walls are flint with stone mouldings and corner sections.
The inside is clad with expensive York stone, which indicates the great expense that Sir Thomas went to in the construction of the church.
He paid for much of this from his own wealth.
Some say this was his way of repenting for the many men he had killed
 while serving in the holy lands a Templar knight.
Please note there are no regular services.
The vicar will be is here the first Sunday in every month to check over the place.
He will carry out a morning service and all are most welcome to attend
Please note that the vicar leaves before 7pm in the summer months
and never later than 4pm in winter.
Should you need to gain access to the church at any other time,
the keys can be obtained from the Weeping Tower.
 Breezy has been keeping the church open ... Why is this church  close to her own heart ??
Remains a mystery to all, For the good of Goatswood , The Lost souls perhaps ?
*beams*  for truth be told,she is the Leader of the ..OOE. shhh it's as secret society you know ..
One does not speak of such things .. ever . Only, it is noted Breezy can often be found near by .
On this day she had just arrived back from London , she stopped by the tower, as the Tower drawing room was another one of her private locals .  
Breezy cheerfully, carefree flowed down the steps of the Church..
the closer she got . the more her own heart beat .. when all of sudden ..
Gasp..... Why Colonel.... What on Earth !!!!!!!
Sir what are you doing down here ???
Both parties were obviously  Caught completely off guard .
Let The Game of Mind Chess begin between these two characters .
Their true identies a secret to most especially one another .
The Colonel, quite the master in cunning as well as most clever and smooth
in his reply only smiled at breezy
stating his interest in the old build in the history ,the stone work
and was fancinated as to where this big old door might lead to ..
Breezy eyes never left the door .. The presious door she protected .
 She looked stunned but held her own . She began to ramble of looking for a lost child and .... .

She tried her best to get the Colonel attention and mind off the door, she suggested
they stroll to the tower where she could offer him , perhaps a cup of tea or something stronger
and they could continue their conversation .. As she spoke the Col's own eyes
never left the door, his hands running along the seems , his eyes noting every part from the bolts to the cobb webbs . It was all  Breezy could manage holding her own temper, as well as her own pace in not showing her own passion at the fact of how very uneasy
 his pressence in front of the door really was  making her.
 The the Colonel turned and looked at her . Almost looking through her ..
It was not the first time she felt this from the man . 
How could this be ?? How could this man effect her?
Make her feel so uneasy at the same time draw her in a wee bit more ..
Breezy was able to hold her place and  remain calm,.so she thought .
Again The Colonel was relentless in his own study of the cituation .
The two having a moment in eye contact but not much more as each most preoccupied
with their own sizing and thoughts in the matter at hand .
Why were each of them there ...
The Colonel did not let up in his questioning  of breezy .
Alas breezy was determined to keep her privacy without showing tension.
Indeed it would be a slow strategic game of mind chess between them ..
Soon the Colonel mentioned .. how about that  drink and a stroll to the tower now  my dear.
 Relived breezy walked the Colonel outside the church
he put out his arm to the lady with a knowing smile, she quietly accepted
 as they strolled and continued to talk . They always continued to chat between them .
 This man was different .. None the likes breezy had ever met .
What is about him . How could he  startle her so, yet somehow she felt a comfort with him .
Hypnotized by his words and stories . He was walking history of thoughts, views and outlooks .. He is fasinating  she thought to herself .
This almost concerned her .. .Hypnotized indeed .. careful breezy an inner voice spoke to her
She of course did not mind ..  Breezy had a passion for the unknown .. Almost
Moth to a Flame ..  alas She was after all  a source of a most powerful Light !
 As their conversations flowed and he was able to get answers out her
such as there was no lost child, but rather breezy's own passion and dedication to the lost ones .
Careful breezy .. pay attention she thought to herself . Yet still she liked and felt a comfort with this man .. Why and How was not clear to her . Much was not clear to her . when it came to The Colonel,
only she looked forward to their next visit .. blushes .. and nods . she did .
He thanked her for the chat and the drink and said his goodbye ..
breezy kept his glass . placed it in purse .. she was not sure why ..
The next morning , breezy was up early at the crack of dawn .
She rushed to her beloved spot ..
Alone with her thoughts she sat in the church .
She could feel the Light flow through her .. The light she worships and cherished .
The Eternal Light that lived deep with her heart mind and soul ..
Her mind .. was opening .. what were these new feelings ??
These new powers .. the new adventures ahead of her ..
She was not frightened .. She was almost ready.
But the Colonel was now very much on her mind .. she pondered ...