The Magus
There are those who spend their lives poring over ancient tomes and texts, unlocking the power of magic, and there are those who spend their time perfecting the use of individual weapons, becoming masters without equal. The magus is at once a student of both philosophies, blending magical ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique, a discipline in which both spell and steel are used to devastating effect. As one grows in power, the magus unlocks powerful forms of arcana that allow them to merge their talents further, and at the pinnacle of their art, the magus becomes a blur of steel and magic,
a force that few foes would dare to stand against.
Magic is the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation, ceremony, ritual, the casting of spells or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of Supernatural agencies or the forces of nature. Magic has been practiced in many cultures, and utilizes ways of understanding, experiencing and influencing the world somewhat akin to those offered by religion, though it is sometimes regarded as more focused on achieving results than religious worship.
Magic is often viewed with suspicion by the wider community,
and is commonly practiced in isolation and secrecy.
Modern Western magicians generally state magic's primary purpose to be personal spiritual growth.Modern perspectives on the theory of magic broadly follow two major views. The first sees magic as a result of a universal sympathy within the universe, where if something is done here a result happens somewhere else. The other view sees magic as a collaboration with spirits who cause the effect.
Having considered the possible standpoints from which the Rituals may be
regarded, we come now to the distinctions that are made between them, and, first
and foremost, to that which has been already mentioned and is artificially
instituted between White and Black Magic. The history of this distinction
The contrasts here established seem on the surface perfectly
clear. When we come, however, to compare the ceremonial literature of the two
classes, we find that the distinction is by no means so sharp as might be
inferred from the definitions. In the first place, so-called Theurgic
Ceremonial, under the pretense of White Magic, usually includes the Rites for
the invocation of Evil Spirits. Supposing that they are so invoked for the
enforced performance of works contrary to their nature, the issue becomes
complicated at once, and White Magic must then be defined as the attempt to
communicate with Good or Evil Spirits for a good, or at least for an innocent,
purpose. This, of course, still leaves a tolerably clear distinction, if I admitted the practical side of the entire subject
to anything but unconditional condemnation. Yet the alternative between a good
and an innocent object contains all the material for a further confusion. It
will be made clear as we proceed that the purposes and ambitions of Magic are
commonly very childish, so that we must distinguish really between Black and
White Magic, not as between the essentially good and evil, but as between that
which is certainly evil and that which may only be foolish. Nor does this
exhaust the difficulty. As will also be made evident in proceeding, White
Ceremonial Magic seems to admit of a number of intentions which are
objectionable, as well as many that are frivolous. Hence it must be inferred
that there is no very sharp distinction between the two branches of the Art. It
cannot be said, even, that Black Magic is invariably and White Magic
occasionally evil. What is called Black Magic is by no means diabolical
invariably; it is almost as much concerned with preposterous and stupid
processes as the White variety with those of an accursed kind.
In other words there can be no good with out evil ..
Each very distintive in thinking they each matter and are the way !
Each very distintive in thinking they each matter and are the way !
Thus, the most
which can be stated is that the literature falls chiefly into two classes, one
which usually terms itself Black, but that they overlap one another.
In what perhaps it may be permissible to call the mind of Magic, as distinct
from the effects which are proposed by the Rituals, there has been always a
tolerable contrast between the two branches corresponding to Magus and Sorcerer,
and the fact that the ceremonial literature tends to the confusion of the
distinction may perhaps only stamp it as garbled. But this is not to say that it
has been tampered with in the sense of having been perverted by editors. White
Magic has not usually been written down into Black; Goëtic Rituals have not been
written up in pseudo-celestial terms. They are, for the most part, naturally
composite, and it would be impossible to separate their elements without
modifying their structure.
But make no doubt .. Good will prevail . it may take a life time .
(( breezy is white magic after all :) ))
(( breezy is white magic after all :) ))
Many Life times for that matter .
For the right thing and the hardest thing are usually the same thing .
Evil and dark are watching lurking .. laughing .. suffering .. Perhaps having the time of their lives ..'
As winter comes to a close . The celebrations of a new Season are powerful .
Out with the depth of cold dark winter ..
Open the gates to new and rebirth of Mother Nature and all she has to offer.
Lift Life's natural nature heavy blankets and open the ground . Reveal the power
of the beauty of her sleeping jewels and sparkles ..
Wake up the breath taking sunrises . Unforgettable Sunsets .
Remarkable Gifts of today's and tomorrows .
Let all the New reasons for life in rebirth and triumphs begin
breezy feels Senet's presence .. she smiles and . just before she puffs . She states
for there can be No Light with out Dark ..
Bless be the dark and lost .. bring them happiness in each of their true purpose and meaning.
Dark is always Lurking .. it is relentless .. In all reality . Light really should and could step up it's plight!!!
Alas .. when the sun shines or not . there are places of the heart mind and soul
the two .. pass like ships in the wind . But the Soul ..
Ah the soul of Humility can not be untold , bought or sold .
Not sure where this Magus journey shall take breezy ..
She knows it shall not be simple not simple at all
At the end of the day ...
We have a new season . brought in with all the love ,good will and humility.
Evil shall survive as the battles are endless and the unknown waiting for each of us .
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