Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rafael's Arrival to Goatswood ...

 Breezy Dashed to The Terminal to Meet her Dearest Rafael ..
They had much to talk and catch up on .. 
smiles how well they matched one another ..  (( always )) 
Breezy most pleased and relieved to have Her Beloved here 
and see her wardrobe steamers once again ! 
 Once they checked the Luggage  was sorted .
Rafael and Breezy set out to see a bit of the Village ..
Breezy admired Rafael  both his stength and charm were in full array ..
ahh and that wolf head's cane . 
 The Industrialist's  Weekend Show was going strong . 
They even Had Flying Pigs ..  My My .. 
Good  Show Indeed !! 
 Rafael as always  quietly but brilliantly took it all in ..
breezy pondered .. How long with the little  village behave .. 
 Ponders how long before Rafael catches .. This little quaint Village holds Many Many Secrets .. 
 Our New Home  The Rosebud Cottage .
 Rafael smiles at His Breezy as he admires and approves of the Gardens.
Home Sweet Home ...Most Safe and Content ..  For Now .. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Breezy's Ring

Breezy walked inside the Cottage .
She looked to the Mantle and walked right over .
What a Beautiful Site she thought to herself !!
For it had just appeared before her eyes Perhaps it is a part of angel's dust from Heaven to leave Breezy Mesmerized.
           Perhaps it's brightness exists to help keep her warm ,safe and loved inside .
           In The Hope She shall embrace this moment for the rest of her of life .
          And come to Realize she has a most exceptional calling.
          For Indeed she shall .
 The Spark
Sparks form into diamonds that penetrate our hearts 

Leaving us feeling a richness within that will never depart
As they sprinkle their magic on the ground in the dark The particles will then illuminate from darkness into
a white magic’s spark
 Breezy now knew this was her ring . 
She only touched it and .. It was then on her finger .
She knew ..She would never take it off !! 
 Breezy had new found energy with yes a brighter Light .
She stayed up all night .. Reading and writing her Journal .
She knew now more then ever before she had not only a Quest but also a Mission here . 
But again she must be calm and keep her secrets to herself . 
But she needed to build a safe front ..
A social group !
Yes that would work . 
 It was then that Breezy Decided she would Create  The Order of Enlightenment .'
.It shall be for those that have a true love for
  the writers, the artists and dancers ..
dreams and adventures in nature and light.
A safe Social Place for the Romantic in heart 
The *OOE* a Romantic Society In Goatswood..
Yes ..She thought to herself , a grand good place to Start ! 

The beginning of Breezy's Own Awakening .

Alone with her thoughts on her Swing In The Cottage Garden
Breezy opened her mind to a bit of healthy day dreams .
She smiled as the sunset lights danced around her .
(( These lights were a bit more then fireflies )) 
Tomorrow she would again be up early to find out more .. 
But she knew she really would have to guard herself . 
Tap into her own inner soul for this place .. 
Breezy was taking a stroll while reading her Great Aunt's Journal
when Sully the Raven swooped down and settled on a stone wall in front of her .
She Closed the book and smiled .
"Why Hello Mr Sully and how are you today?"
The bird gave a cheerful caw and seemed to want to show her something .
So she followed . 
 WELL what do we have here .. Why its a Gypsy Camp !!!! 
 Breezy quietly moved closer ..  what beautiful bright colored Wagons they each Hand !!!
No one was around but she did .. smile  pick up some very useful hindsight and information .
She would be returning to this spot and soon . 
 Soon She found herself in a tall field of Golden wheat ..
Part of her wanted to rest in the fields . But no no .. 
Once again Breezy turned to nature to guide her .
Like the sun would come up each morning .
Nature was something she could be and feel as One with . 
Gasp ..The Yellow Rose , in the vase ... was it glowing 
 She leaned down to admire the bright glowing Yellow Rose .. a get a closer look .
It directed her to go inside .. go inside now .. Breezy . 
 She went directly to The Breakfront .
she noted the clocks .. the books   Ah  the box .. 
 In a Moment's time a  Golden Mirror  appeared in hand .
 Ah Another book ..
These Books were guides of sort through out the  Village of Goatswood .
Each one had its very own  story to share ..
Breeze took note to the  compass for it seemed to be going  mad ..  
Then poof it was gone ..
With it appeared a music box of sorts .
 Breezy felt the figure speak to her . 
She was sending her back to cottage .
She told her something was waiting for her there .
On Her Mantle .
How Breathtaking she was .. Yet how Sad .. 
The music box closed and in its Splendor vanished just as it had appeared .
She looked at the clock and decided to return to her  Garden Cottage .

Breezy and Stormy's First Journey in Goatswood !

Breezy entered the tower drawing room  the very next day at daybreak.
Some how this room always seemed to sooth her .
She smiled and thought .. Alright lets set out, see what today ..holds.
Her Hope .. To  unfold a wee bit more to this Village of Goatswood to her .. 
 It felt so good and quite right to be riding Stormy in Goatswood .
Odd on that really. For she had received him three years ago for Christmas from her Aunt.
Her Aunt had now sent her to this place and  here they were exploring together .. 
Well she felt always felt better with Stormy ! 
 She gave him a pet on his neck . "Good Boy" she stated . as they Trotted off . 
What is this Place boy ?   Breezy whispered to Stormy .
The horse seemed to bow and then Draw back .
It was the pile of stones ..
The sky drew dark .. What is It  Stormy ??
It was like the Horse knew . No it was not like ..
Stormy knew !!  Indeed there was great darkness here at this place .
Soon there were heading to The Manor House .
Breezy did not care for the place but knew there were many answers there .
Also she knew to watch herself there as well .. 
The sky seemed to get brighter as she approached the Manor House .
Almost like a tease  to think things were fine .. alright ..
For there was nothing fine or alright about this place ...ever !!  
Breezy took a moment to gather her thoughts by the stove in The Manor House .
A young servant girl came to her .. M'am can i help you please ?  she said . 
No no dear forgive me I just wanted to sit and gather my thoughts but a moment .
Yes M'am the girl said and curtsied and let her be .
She noticed marks on the girl and began wonder even more .. 
This place is beyond dark, she thought to herself .. This Place is Black .
Far Blacker then the soot and ashes from  this stove .
Soon Breezy had collected her thoughts (and some notes) and was back on Stormy
and they were on their way ..  She turn over her shoulder as she heard the laughter and music coming from inside the Manor House .
she shaked her head to herself . 
Stormy paused by a Raven .. Sully .. hello there ! You found us !
Caw Caw Caw was the wise Raven's reply .. Stormy let out a happy Neh ..
the bird seemed to be directing us to The Church.  
How odd .. 
 WoW  was Breezy's first reaction . Stunning Chapel indeed ..
But there was more to this place as well . But somehow she felt again a comfort here . 
But she knew it would take several visits to see it all . 
 Breezy took note to the Book .. It was of story that...was the likes of
No Sermon in a Chapel she had ever know ..
But some how she knew the story ..
How could this be ?? 
 Breezy climbed down from the first of a few ladders .
She seemed to have lost track of time .
But she did seem .. gosh .. where did the time go ???
Some how Breezy had the feeling she some how had been Enlightened to more information .
So very much to study and learn . But she found herself craving to learn even more !!! 
So much to take in ..
Breezy was starting to comprehend that the village had not even bugun
to show it's self to her .. For indeed she was going have to get stronger .
Be stronger and research more ..
What on earth was her Great Aunt thinking 
sending her to this Place ???? 
**Please note video music is only used because .. The sound tracks are amazing :)

Time to get Stormy ..

While doing both some well needed research and reading 
.At the Manor House Library. Breezy decided she would return and dress a bit differently
for the part of her own journey and exploring . 
Indeed this Village was the likes of nothing she had ever experienced !
First Breezy sat down at the Abbot House Library to read a bit more and check her findings 
"in the card catalog for more info .. So much here in this "Quaint Village"
ah she noted to self .. Quaint on the outside perhaps but there really was nothing Quaint 
about Goatswood at all !!! 
Breezy gabbed the train to go Meet her trusted Black Stallion  Stormy .
Breezy had such a love for horses but this one, was a most special steed ! 
He was gifted to her by her great Aunt,and had saved her on more then a few occasions . 
She would stop at the bank as well and send a few wires . For it appeared she was going to be
staying in Goastswood through the Holidays . Oh My !! 
Breezy waits to meet up with Stormy . 
Breezy never dressed like anyone else .. She was a strong character .
Her morals and values were bright . But her hand was kind . 
Ah much better .. First things First was getting Stormy some new shoes 
Breezy had noticed a fine Blacksmith in Goatswood .
She had hoped to perhaps get some new information as well .. 
Stay tuned for Breezy and Stormy's first Journey !! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Goatswood Civic Event: The Romantics Art Show!

This upcoming December 8th, 2012, the Order of Enlightenment will host the Romantics Art Show, with a plethora of events, including classic art, dancing, and beverages for all!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Breezy's First Night At The Manor House ..

 Breezy entered The Manor House .. she found herself with a bit of a chill.
For as spectacular and beautiful as it was, it all seemed quite dark to her.
 Crawley Manor much story telling to be told here .
But some how Breezy knew she would not be staying At the Beautiful Crawley Manor long .
Still it had a purpose for and to her, this first evening of her arrival . 
Ah  The Crawley Manor Dining Room  in all it's decadent Glory ! 
Breezy decided to retire early, to her, it had been a long day of travel.
She arrived to a lovely room, watched as the servant girl placed her suit cases down, "Anymore luggage My Lady the girl asked? " Breezy steamers were on another train, she smiled at the young girl and said" No that will be it for now . Please Fetch me some hot tea with a wee bite ."
 The servant girl curtsied and replied "Yes My Lady"
 and whisked away to fetch a tray.
Breezy unpinned and removed her Hat and gloves and placed them on the dressing table.
She then poured some fresh water and splashed her face.
She slowly undressed and changed into her Night gown and Put on her Dressing robe .
She let down her hair a bit .. and sighed for a moment as
She looked around and saw a rather interesting desk. She walked over 
 and to her surprise, noticed a brown wrapped package with her name on an envelope
 with a yellow long stemmed rose (always her favorite) on the desk.
She unwrapped the package and found several numbered letters and 
a wrapped journal that all, was Mysteriously left for her .
She calmly unwrapped the journal and .. saw a beautiful  brown leather  engraved with gold ledger .
She gasped to herself at the surprise of all this, and did not even notice.
 the servant girl place the tray with tea pot cup and bite for her ..
She reached for the first Letter and opened the door and went out to the Balcony to read .
Under a most clear sky,full with stars  and the bright full moon light.
 My Dear Breezy,
"If you are reading child, I am gone from this world .
 I am so sorry I had to leave you, But you know my love for you .
I shall never your heart nor your soul .
 I am so sorry you have had so much Love Lost in your young life .
I believe this Village of Goatswood is the best place for you and that big passionate heart of yours .
Our family has history here and a safe place for you .
It is my hope that the stories and village itself shall wrap it's arms around you
 and you shall be happy and  safe,
from the  cruel ways of all man kind. You are a special bright one child . You have the gift .
This Gift I speak of must be practiced and mastered and used only for good . 
Thy shall not practice black magic ever dear Breezy
Always remember this and the beams of the light you possess.
shall protect you . The way I have protected you and your father before I . "
 Breezy took a deep breath as she looked out over, the river Wyvern.
her trusted pet raven, that she had never questioned to be so, landed on her shoulder.
She had no clue how she knew the name of the river. She had a feeling there would be many new
things she would just come to know now .She continued to read .
"Breezy you have always been a most passionate gifted girl. You have always been one with nature and keen to learn and question all. There is a reason for this child, for you have been
 anointed with the gift of *Eternal Light*.
A most special gift that has been our family for centuries.
But Breezy I caution you again you have much to learn child. Now more then ever,
 You must stay calm and be wise to all things around you. For it is alright to seek answers in this place and explore your own powers.
But it all must be done most delicately and in secret at all times child . 
You must never speak of such things, In time you will know your place in  The Secret Society.
Yes child there are others and you will find them In Goatswood."
The Letter went on .. But it can not be shared at this moment in time 
For it contains many whispers ..  secrets .. 
 After much reading and pondering of the first of several letters,
and the first chapter of her Aunt's Journal,
Breezy decided to send her trusted Raven with letter to fetch Master Rafael.
For indeed, the desire and the time would arrive soon enough, for him to join her in Goatswood .
She softly told Sully The Raven. "now now just a half day's flight 
you can do this Sully" .. " Soft calm caw caw caw with nod was the Bird's reply"
and off he flew .. Breezy went inside to her room, checked the fire and blew out the candles
She smiled when she noticed the yellow rose was in water by her bed side of her now lovely turned down bed as she removed her robe, climed into bed and went to sleep, she was exhausted .
 Breezy slept but awoke early .. She knew it was time to venture out .
She was now even more enlightened ,aware and truly on a  mission . She  would walk to town .
Have her luggage follow her once she secured another location. 
Breezy grabbed the yellow rose and tucked it in the new beautiful journal
just before she left the room and Manor House.
Breezy shall close this entry with the Poem her dear Aunt closed with to her .
To see a world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour.
Author. William Blake (Auguries of Innocence).