Monday, December 31, 2012

Some Surprise Visitors ... At The Shunters Social Club .

Ah The Shunters Social Club .. Home to The Industrialist Social Types
or . was it .. A More Important  part of The Saga.. Included .. Special Guest Stars .
The Ravens .. Nods Nods . 
The Very Next evening Breezy was strolling .. When all of a sudden
An eerie feeling came across her, she was getting quite used to getting
 sudden feelings of uneasiness here and there  .. alas. somehow this was a bit different ...
Gasp !!    Her Sign !! How on Earth !!!
 She knelt down to take a closer a look .. It did not please her at all .. 
Then she stood up and .. in pure disbelief as she Saw not only Miss Amber's sign ..
But a Big Black Strange Raven sitting on top ..
"And who are you .. She asked? " ..  to No Reply ..
He did seem  a bit angry .. as the *unfriendly bird* looked at her  and simply . Caw Caw Caw
In Most .. unpleasant tones ..
Lady Kylie stopped by on her way to the Train station, she was expecting a most special .
shipment of her very own arriving via train .. Oh Dear Breezy what in the heavens is it now . she exclaimed ..    Breezy's reply . " Well the signs and the Raven"  Breezy I must meet the train .
Do go relax and have yourself some lavender lemonade .. I am sure this is just someone's silly idea .of  fowl play . 
Yes.. I do hope you are right Kylie ..
 SPLAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Ravens wood .. pfft !!!!! "
Yep Julian had arrived along with Mr Masterson .. 
Julian and Jax at first had a chuckle over the Sign and The Raven ..
But Soon ... very quickly I might add  .. Julian got quite serious and rather annoyed
 .. I do not like this Jax. I don't like any of  it at all !!
They were soon joined by Dr Anna and Myself ..
Dr. Anna had made a full recuperation from night before ..**That would be the mushroom  mouth stuffing from Miss Amber**, who indeed just had not been herself, since
this whole  Ravens Wood Mess had started ..
Something is not right here .. Not right at all .. Julian proclaimed .. as looked about .
These are not normal Ravens ..
Breezy Looked up and noticed more .. It was like they were watching  the humans ..and with every turn another quietly appeared ..  then the sounds  . the wing flapping.. The caws .it was all quite  odd!

Julian and Mr Masterson advised us all to move inside for our safety and perhaps a Sherry a two..
Once Inside Julian began to think out loud ..His mid was racing with principals and the such in reasoning Logic and reason as what the next step would . be .
Jax  too was brainstorming and  suggested several excellent ideas .. of Which  the writer is not at liberty to share here  for they are still in the works .. *grins*  
Julian did question The Good Dr. Anna on sound waves and tones .. Here answers and knowlege proved to be helpful, along with some his very own brilliant ideas more brain storming ..
ideas were being formed  .. and Quickly ..
For No Immediate Solutions were easy to be found nor formulate
This Bird matter had to be handled right away !! 
The four chatted for quite some time as The Ravens did not let up ..  
Julian .. stated once more .. I do Not like any of this Jax .. None of Of it ..
Not One bit .. Those wood are for all .. He said ..   open to all !!  
 The Ravens did .. seem to some.... how.... get a bit ... .. Louder ..

Sunday, December 30, 2012

For The Good of Goatswood ..

Greetings .. Aye Breezy is still calling home, Goatswood.
Truth be told, The tales of this Village have only just begun ..
As for Today's entry - Goatswood is experiencing a Coal Shortage .
Indeed after a mysterously publicized explosion, seems the workers back at the coal mines
 have now gone on strike . *Sigh* ..
Have no Fear .. Goatswood does have its very own collective assortment of Interesting characters of Inventions ..  ((That run mostly on Steam of course, they are not too keen with the shortage of coal))
These Industrials are quite cunning and clever in their own ways and mean .
A Note was Posted By a Mr. Julian., It read .
Jaximillion Masterson will be presenting ,
his findings on extracting energy from the Raven Woods
 Saturday, evening at the Social Club next to the train station.
Those interested in the ongoing coal crisis and discussions to alleviate it are encouraged to attend.
  On hand will be the petition for the removal of the Woods and attendees so persuaded are encouraged to sign it. Libations will also be free.
Oh my How Wonderful Breezy thought to herself ..
as she smiled and went right to work,1st on the list, contacting her very own.
Mister Masterson, With his very own signature style and character took to the podium
After a bit of  a good healthy Swig to wet his lungs ...
He spoke to the gathering with over flow right out front .
                       His Topic                  
        "Energy Sources in Raven Woods Forest Present Source of Fuel in Goatswood"
By: Dr. Jaximillion T. Masterson, BSc, PhD (Cambridge), MSci (Oxford)
(( The caws of The Ravens did seem to grow louder during the presentation . odd on that!))
Electromagnetic energy, Orgone phantom energy and kinetic energy (be what they may respectfully), have been reported in the nearby village forest of Goatswood. Unusual instances of objects and spiritual movement are reported to have been occurring. It is the duty of science to investigate and to ascertain if in fact energy sources are the leading cause of disruption. And, if so to assure the residents of the village that the forces are harmless. Yet, they are useful as an alternate energy source to be captured, contained and reused to benefit growth of the economy. As a scientist, engineer and inventor of things large and small, it appears this energy emits an enormous amount of strength that should not be wasted.
Hypothesis: Energy forces emitted from Raven Woods Forest will produce fuel resources.
The Raven Woods Forest of Goatswood recently has been the topic of interest. With coal prices rising and the scarcity of fuel to continue with progress, trees in this abundant forest have been considered as an alternate medium to be cut down and used in its place. Villagers of this area are convinced this is sacred ground and that the area should not be touched. They have reported missing individuals, objects flying, unusual light and mystical developments which leads them to believe the area emits a force not to be tampered with. Industrialists on the other hand, refute this belief and conclude this energy source can be quantified, tested and alternately can be stored for use in developing more efficient ways in which the forest can be useful to the town's benefit to modernize.
Method of Madness:
The method of researching this area for a strong conclusion if energy actually exists was the use of a sound recorder, Geiger counter, metal detector and observation. Tools such as these were used at different times of day, different days of the week and used in a consistent matter as not to skew the results of the processes and procedure used.
Results indicate that energies from the high readings, recording of unusual sounds, sightings of sparkling dust and movement in and out of the trees (particularly in the area of a most unusual, large round stone on the ground) are in fact present and generally active at times of dusk and dawn. Scientific probability of refuting the hypothesis is < .01 and justifies this energy exists significantly!
Although the results indicate there are extremely high energy sources present in the forest, it is fact that energy surrounds us in different forms every day. However, the strength in which it is transmitted appears to be of an unusual amount in an area such as this. Results could have been skewed by the presence of many squawking ravens in the area and the sounds of them picked up on the measuring tool. Nonetheless, this energy could enhance the lives of villagers by increasing modernized industry in the town without the use of extremely expensive coal or cutting down the trees. Capturing, containing and use of this energy should be discussed in a different forum.
Fenwick. A., (1853) "Body and Mind: a Scientific Study of the Unexplainable"
Hastings, J., (1849) "The Effects of Electromagnetism in Teleportation"
Masterson, J.T., (1838) "Evaporation and Locomotion: Movement with Steam"
McCool, F. (1852) "Orgone Explanation in Modern Times"
   When it was done, Mr Masterson Took the Side for "The Good of Goastswood" *with tidy bow
outside .to the Other side !!
One could see very *silent* interested parties observing from a comfortable distance ..
There was useful information shown here tonight .. Below the surfaces
What might they be ?? Oh but you would have to reside in Goatswood to understand .
The interest and attendence was brilliant in that almost all genres were covered in attendance ..
The Coal Saga Continues .
Copies of The Presentation and The Petition sit in The Soical Club of Goatswood !

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Battles are Timeless .. Good Vs Evil ..

“Evil forges a tornado.
But goodness battles in a straight line.”
Caris Roane
“Life is not interested in good and evil. Don Quixote was constantly choosing between good and evil, but then he was choosing in his dream state. He was mad. He entered reality only when he was so busy trying to cope with people that he had no time to distinguish between good and evil. Since people exist only in life, they must devote their time simply to being alive. Life is motion, and motion is concerned with what makes man move—which is ambition, power, pleasure. What time a man can devote to morality, he must take by force from the motion of which he is a part. He is compelled to make choices between good and evil sooner or later, because moral conscience demands that from him in order that he can live with himself tomorrow. His moral conscience is the curse he had to accept from the gods in order to gain from them the right to dream.”
William Faulkner
“... true evil needs no reason to exist, it simply is and feeds upon itself.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, A Compendium of Essays: Purcell, Hogarth and Handel, Beethoven, Liszt, Debussy, and Andrew Lloyd Webber
“Within the infant rind of this small flower
Poison hath residence and medicine power.
For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each part;
Being tasted, stays all senses with the heart.
Two such opposèd kings encamp them still,
In man as well as herbs—grace and rude will.
And where the worser is predominant,
Full soon the canker death eats up that plant.

(Inside the little rind of this weak flower, there is both poison and powerful medicine. If you smell it, you feel good all over your body. But if you taste it, you die. There are two opposite elements in everything, in men as well as in herbs—good and evil. When evil is dominant, death soon kills the body like cancer.) ”
William Shakespeare
“In all Thénardier's outpourings, the words and gestures, the fury blazing in his eyes, this explosion of an evil nature brazenly exposed, the mixture of bravado and abjectness, arrogance, pettiness, rage, absurdity; the hodgepodge of genuine distress, and lying sentiment, the shamelessness of a vicious man rejoicing in viciousness, the bare crudity of an ugly soul -- in this eruption of all suffering and hatred there was something which was hideous as evil itself and still as poignant as truth.”
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
“Being against evil doesn't make you good. Tonight I was against it and then I was evil myself. I could feel it coming just like a tide... I just want to destroy them. But when you start taking pleasure in it you are awfully close to the thing you're fighting.”
Ernest Hemingway, Islands in the Stream

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Most simple Spell to a Grand beginning .

 Breezy was heavy in thought .. She knew she had to make the long trip back  To Irvington .
There was paper work waiting and the servants were expecting her.
Yet something was not quite right .. Its just for a night or two and I shall return .. she thought. 
She reached in her pocket and felt the bit of pine branch still there .. Some how she found it comforting.
She let it run along her finger tips and  smiled she got ready  for her trip . 
Then Loneliness never bothered  Breezy . 
A Passionate gal , deep from the center of her heart,right down through her soul ..Indeed,
 She felt many things deeply . 
Being different was second nature .. Being on This Path however,  was no short order .
Regardless of the fact , whether her Sensitivity and Passion may be a gift .. or curse .. Still !! 
There was no room for self doubts or being insecure .. Far too much was riding on the line.
 ....and now yes even on and with in herself.
She would not be broken nor back away or down .. 
This is Exciting she thought to herself .. 
She would continue on this journey, unnoticed by some, laughed and whispered about by more,
 while others may even wish to take from her.
She knew the score,and it was so not stacked in her favor for the tasks at hand .
The world was not kind .. People are small in general and most if given the chance, would easily attempt to hurt .  Its easy for them when they do not care . "Oh I didn't know" or perhaps
 "All that light stuff it does not really matter"
The bonds of  dark and the evil are strong !!!
Sad to say its even human nature .. She closed her eyes and let the Steam from the Fresh Pure
 Hot water from the sky of a full Moon, cleanse her mind 
from negatives and the voice of doubt .
No No No !  She Shouted out loud  You will not win !!!
Then she was still and she .. fell off  into a deep  dream state .
She dreamed of The Sword and The Knights who Protected it .
She dreamed of the Path of Right in The Light.
She awoke knowing it would be alright ..
Not easy but then nothing good ever is . 
She sat by the fire that night and she looked into her own soul .
she held on tight to her pendent.. The stone felt good.
Deep deep with in .  Her purpose was  to learn all she can ..
to gain not only the wisdom , but  the strength she must have
to take on these new unknowns .. Be Wise, Be Aware, Stay Kind, Be Strong .
To Thy own Self be true .. 
Breezy Sat by the Fountain with Dragons .. It always was her place
of comfort ..  She ran her fingers  through the  steady stream .
Of fresh Water .. The Night was Young .. The Moon was full .
She glared into the water as it seem to hypnotize her.
She reached down and Opened a small  green velvet pouch .
She poured out the following:  already blessed with a protective spell
evergreen -pine/cones, rosemary,elderberry, garlic , salt ,lavender,and bayberry
 on a small silver dish ,that sat over a white candle's burning  flame .
She then took her fingers and ran through stream flow of full-moon water ...
gently she went  back and forth  and back forth until she began to continue to brush her fingers
 against the currant of the ebb of the water flow .. again she held the stone hanging around her neck.
It was an Onyx stone she wore to defend against any and all  negativity ,directed at her.
The Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light,
 and therefore, can be used to create invisibility.*** more to come on that ***
with an inner strength, as she closed her eyes she spoke out loud ..
Take this *negative* 
 far away to never see the light of day
She then repeated her chant .. 
 " so shall it be "
As The Light be bright within my soul
Emerge from night, safe and whole
Peace is mine at this time
Piercing dark, my light shall shine
For now, for more, and ever true
With light and love am I imbued  
 After words she was quiet knowing she had begun her journey .
For Now the powers of the Earth and Water her friends
She  is aware and thrilled to know and find an Enchanting
 New Start to Most Powerful bond deep with in her with them. 
Later that night .. She sat on the floor by the fire place
 She opened first, her heart, then her mind and her soul filled again with
The Strength, the power The Truth of The Light ..
She quietly thought deep .. deeper and  deepest ..
As the flash cards of visions flowed and lace  through her mind.
When people don't know where to go..  
They should First turn to and feel comfort with the Light ..
As she reached out her arms and opened her hands
The magic of the light  sparkled as The clean moon water splashed off her
She Smiled in Joy.. with her new Gift
She Spent most of  the next Day traveling back to her New True Home Now ..
Goatswood Indeed !!! 
Breezy Looked at the Train compartment before she sat down .
Ah  almost Home ...   just an hour more .. she smiled with her found glow . 
For Dear Breezy Her Own Revels have Just Begun !!!! 
Our revels now are ended'
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, 
As I foretold you, were all spirits and 
Are melted into air, into thin air: 
And,like the baseless fabric of this vision, 
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, 
The solemn temples, the great globe itself, 
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve 
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, 
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff 
As dreams are made on, and our little life 
Is rounded with a sleep. 
William Shakespeare 
From The Tempest, Act 4 Scene 1 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Believe in Faeries ..... Especially In Goatswood !!!

The Mistletoe Magic :
From the earliest times mistletoe has been one of the most magical, mysterious, and sacred plants of European folklore. It was considered to bestow life and fertility; a protection against poison; and an aphrodisiac. The mistletoe of the sacred oak was especially sacred to the ancient Celtic Druids. On the sixth night of the moon white-robed Druid priests would cut the oak mistletoe with a golden sickle. Two white bulls would be sacrificed amid prayers that the recipients of the mistletoe would prosper. Later, the ritual of cutting the mistletoe from the oak came to symbolize the emasculation of the old King by his successor. Mistletoe was long regarded as both a sexual symbol and the "soul" of the oak. It was gathered at both mid-summer and winter solstices, and the custom of using mistletoe to decorate houses at Christmas is a survival of the Druid and other pre-Christian traditions. The Greeks also thought that it had mystical powers and down through the centuries it became associated with many folklore customs. In the Middle Ages and later, branches of mistletoe were hung from ceilings to ward off evil spirits. In Europe they were placed over house and stable doors to prevent the entrance of witches. It was also believed that the oak mistletoe could extinguish fire. This was associated with an earlier belief that the mistletoe itself could come to the tree during a flash of lightning. The traditions which began with the European mistletoe were transferred to the similar American plant with the process of immigration and settlement.

On The 15th of December **The Society of The Green-Man** Put on a Wondrous Social Event !!
Breezy decided to attend as a Forest Favorite .. ❤ Mistletoe ❤
She had a plan .. To spread Love and The Feeling of Good of The Light ...
For those In Goatswood who did Not Believe... Would perhaps Learn of The Power of "The Light"
 The Green Man Society worked hard to make sure all had and enjoyed a most Festive Time ..
It was fun to see all dressed to the nines for this Festive event .. 
 Kylie and I entered what was to be nothing short of a Wonderful Dream of an Event !!!
 There was an usual taste and flavor  of earth,
 ummm tasty yes ..  in the cider and grog .. more on that latter ..  grins 
 humph ..  Forest King ???  Breezy still thought Lord Julian reminded her of "a viking" .. nods to herself ..
 Oh a Leprechaun !!!! What ever is he doing here ???
And whom is watching his Pot of Gold ?? 
 The Dancing was plenty ..  Still, The Mistletoe pondered ..What was that Leprechaun up to ?? 
Mr. Leprechaun smiled ..Mistletoe dangled a Branch .. 
 The Legend :
For its supposedly mystical power, mistletoe has long been at the center of many folklore. One is associated with the Goddess Frigga. The story goes that Mistletoe was the sacred plant of Frigga, goddess of love and the mother of Balder, the god of the summer sun. Balder had a dream of death which greatly alarmed his mother, for should he die, all life on earth would end. In an attempt to keep this from happening, Frigga went at once to air, fire, water, earth, and every animal and plant seeking a promise that no harm would come to her child. Balder now could not be hurt by anything on earth or under the earth.
 But Balder had one enemy, Loki, god of evil and he knew of one plant that Frigga had overlooked in her quest to keep her child safe. It grew neither on the earth nor under the earth, but on apple and oak trees. It was lowly mistletoe. So Loki made an arrow tip of the mistletoe, gave to the blind god of winter, Hoder, who shot it , striking Balder dead. 
Then she pulled it away ...  Mr Leprechaun frowned .. 
 The sky paled and all things in earth and heaven wept for the sun god. For three days each element tried to bring Balder back to life. Her child was finally restored by Frigga, the goddess and his mother. It is said the  tears she shed for her child turned into the pearly white berries on the mistletoe plant and in her joy Frigga kissed everyone who passed beneath the tree on which it grew. 
and Then Like Magic "The Kiss"
The story ends with a decree that who should ever stand under the humble mistletoe, no harm should befall them, only a kiss, a token of love. What  could be more natural than to translate the spirit of this old myth into a Villagers way of thinking and accept the mistletoe as the emblem of that Love which conquers All...
 Its medicinal properties, whether real or imaginary, make it a just emblematic of that Tree of Life, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations thus paralleling it a Miracle all its Own ..
 The Fairy Fair was Beautiful another  remarkable Stage Created for all of we 
By The King himself ,of this entire Creative World "Baal"...
 Miss Beautiful Moon Played Lovely tunes .. 
 Earlier in The Day Miss Amber had told a Magical Story ..
And after Danced The Night away .. 
 Doctor Anne and Wolfie Lingered to watch Amber and her Friends Dance .. 
 Ah The Inn Keeper of The Wild Man Was quite Proud  
The Mushrooms in The Cider and Grog were a big Hit !!!  
Ah and Mr Leprechaun  its was said he Staggered and Swayed all about ..
Perhaps Drunken With all that over whelming
Joy of Good in White Light .. Poor Soul was quite over come .. hehehe :) . 
Oh and The ❤ Mistletoe ❤ Quite Busy you know..Tiss her Season .. heh '
 and I ... Safe in Rafael arms at the end of Eve of course ..
With The  Thoughtful "Take Home Gift" of *The Mistletoe Wreath*
From The Society of Green Man ..
 Hanging on The Fire Place harth .