Monday, April 29, 2013

A private Dance .............

Strange winds of fate are blowing through each of our lives  
as trickster Mercury forms otherworldly septiles 
with expansive Jupiter and imaginative Neptune.
 Maintaining a hold on reality makes sense, yet being open to the magic 
of mystery enriches our lives.
As She  dances under the full moon 
Her mind slowly opening guarded but not afraid !!! 
Growing up, some of us deeply dream. Her dreams always painted the portrait of the adult  living an adventitious life…  We don’t set out for average. But that’s exactly where we end up if we listen to our fears day after day, year after year. Our dreams take a back seat and eventually are left stranded by the side of the road. 
Hear your dreams as they are calling, and they are closer than you might think. 
It’s time to go after your purpose.
As we go from one Season to The next ..
Let the Light unfold .. the secrets  
of The Dark  still untold ..   

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Indeed we Have two more Knights

Indeed we Have two more Knights .. Knights have been the defenders of lands and crusaders of people for centuries .. Good vs Evil.. White and Dark ..
 The Knights have carried their Swords and fought battles with honor and dignity .. to the end !! In the Middle Ages, Knight's organizations were founded on military and religious order to those in need. Knights were a brotherhood with high values. They were described as courageous, faithful and honest with strength and integrity. Masters of Chivalry Humility and Honor for each of their Plights The knight orders from centuries ago exists today, while others are part of history....
It is a privilege and honor to do so !! 
As you each Join us on our quests in the future against Evil and The Dark in Magic . 
Against the whispers of Negative and the such .. Study your magic . 
 Work hard toward Magus Be ready and prepared ..
 There are no Questions that can not be answered when defending honor and chivalry...
 For Chivalry is not dead in this world in any world for that matter ~ 
Walk and do with the light ..Embrace It .. Let it guide you .. Help You .. Strengthen You~
   The hardest thing and right thing are usually the same thing .. 
I am not a woman of many words But 
I carry great Passion and put my light , my heart, mind ,my sword ,and soul on the line for this cult daily .. 
I shall continue to do .. because together we will have our 12 Knights of the round table . 
For together Indeed We shall prevail in our quest of good in and for all Man Kind !!
 We begin in Goatswood ... no small task ....
 She Raises Her Sword to Light .. Shall we Begin ..
First up .. Lord Ashley Czartoryski Breezy *beams* at Lord Ashley
 as he knows ((and she can only hopes understands why))
 how much she has wanted to make him a Knight .
 Do you accept these tasks ?
I Knight you Sir Ashley Czartoryski 
 Next up Lord Cornelius Fanshaw
 Do you accept these tasks ?
I Knight you Cornelius Fanshaw ...
Breezy whispers to her own extended family .. " I am counting on you now ...Sir Cornelius" ....
 "I am pleased and proud to Knight you ... well done "! *smiles* 
Since the beginning of time this Battle has been quite alive .
It is not so much the Dark ..that is on her mind ..
It is the powers of Evil growing ever  stronger  daily .. 
 Breezy shall continue her quest to build her round table .. 
But .. now more then ever .. She realizes 
 Time may not be on her side .. Ready The Knights ...Indeed !!!

A warning ...... to "Calandra"

 Dusk In  Goatswood .. something about it ..  The air .. the mood . The sky ..
Its the time between Light and Dark ..  Its the time  when truth unveils its true self ..
Breezy decided to take a ride with Stormy her  trusted Black Stallion .. 
 Easy Fella .. Its alright .. Breezy, an experienced  Equestrian  for the better part of her life .
She held on tight to his rains, her legs and boots wrapped tightly she calmed her boy down ..  its alright ..
She gently stroked his main .. reassuring him .. there there .. easy now ... 
She managed to do so..  Next she reached in her pocket  for a  peppermint *his favorite*
as she tied the horse  safely to a near by tree ..
far enough away .. to his own comfort .. close enough as he knew where she was .. 
Petting him ..  praising him  and reassuring him it was all alright . 
but was is .. what in the stars ..  or on earth had just upset the animal so ..
Indeed he was always .alert ..alas seldom easily spooked . 
Ah the Mill ..  Indeed  the The Old Mill ..  
Breezy proceeded with caution inside . 
She entered slowly with a brightness all her own to cast light to the ever dark  Old Mill ..
 As layers of her full cream ivory gown flowed and her hair  blew  with a chilled  bit of a cool breeze  that came from the work table ..Ah she had stood here before ..a  few times now .. 
The Raven ever on guard, observed her, as he over saw the work table full of the poisons and dark ingredients always on display ..  
Breezy only smiled knowing her own enchanting powers were now increasing  daily in strength..
But there was  a message here for her .. Not from the witches  .. but indeed a warning from her own Light ! 
She sat down by the fire and gazed  in .. deep into the flames  past the embers behind the 
rage and into the Light ...  deeply .. her own mind of passiveness  being challenged .. but how and more important why ??   Then it started to slowly .. reveal it's self to her .. First The rage of the dark .. Their anger and lack of care of others .. the way they toy  with simple minds ..  check check ..
She continued in her deep concentration with an open mind .
Her eyes bright and blue .. went deeper to get past the negatives
to the light that would reveal  the hint of truth to her .. 
Breezy Caver was not a simple mind .. But rather a complicated woman of  depths laced with a bit of her very own stubbornness  in passion and humility . 
A die hard romantic who felt things deeply .. Sensitive .. caring, giving  and kind . 
Oh she kept many  secrets all her own ..  
By far not perfect ..  with passion one must be careful .. for taken wrong 
It indeed can be somewhat of a chore to keep in check .. 
Trusting too easily can be manipulated by the wrong beings  if given the chance .. 
She was being warned of something but she wanted more  information . 
 It was now night fall , Breezy took to the depths of the woods .. 
Now a Magus12... in powers .. she was more then capable to summons the spirit world on her own ..
She slowly began to walk in a circle ..
She light  four candles ..
and then slowly she proceeded to each point in a most definitive voice .. she spoke out loud .
By the powers invested in me  . I come to you . I seek  from you . I look for help by and from You
 I call on all of the elements to   Embrace and Surround me . 
I call on The East .. Air . Guardian Angel Michael .. help me 
I call on The South .. Fire  Guardian Angel  Uriel...  help me 
I call on The West .. Water .. Guardian Angel Rafael .. help me 
I call on The North .. Earth  .. Guardian Angel Gabriel me .. 
The fog lifted first ..  she kept chanting .. next came ..  the sounds .. followed by the Light ..
as she continued  her  chants .. 
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell  in house of my Lord for ever .. 
As promised by the heavens and the Eternal Light Give me a sign .. 
Show me the  message .. warn me of what is to come ..
What is out there ..  What  do I need to know ..  
"Ready The Knights" 
The message always the same .. 
Breezy requested more .
No she demanded more .. 
Show me ..  give me a warning ..   give me a sign ... 
there was  thunder ... and a single  crash  with a strong bolt of Lighting 
and then .........................
She .. raised her arms with her demands .. 
Asking all the elements to open her mind ..  revel to her with a sigh ..  
Indeed  they did  .. Breezy had been warned .. 
..  proceed with ...   caution .. "Calandra" .. You have been warned ! 

A random meeting at The Tower or so she thought ....

A random meeting at The Tower  or so she thought .... 
Colonel Jack Amberton
is an officer and a gentleman, and
.............perhaps not everything he seems .. but rather so much more !
Breezy was was a bit caught off guard once again by this Character ..
Something about him .. did indeed effect her ..Of course she could not help but take note  his own presence , his own mind perhaps indeed laced with true mystery and depth ,the likes she had never encountered before .She preceded  cheerfully with her bright blue eyes wide open as she engaged with depth in conversation with this ,so she still suspected...  Gentleman . 
Once again their conversation ebbed and flowed as it twisted and turned to unveil .. characteristic norms of each or did it ..  Breezy was caught ,by a few off guard moments .. The questions .. her feelings .. The entire demure of what could seem no more then a simple exchange between two adults with nothing in common...  or perhaps more then either wished to be an odd way perhaps
  a great deal in common ... was slowly be reviled .. or was it  ?? 
Their conversations always seem to be quite lengthy.. yet time flew by 
 as each seem to have no trouble with sharing  their own opinions  to the other ..  
or where they ???  
At one point, Breezy could swear she  felt a  chill almost as if something had brushed, whisked by her ,almost sniffing  under her gown.  next ...Breezy saw a vision ..  .. stream right through her own mind .. 
It caught her very much off guard ..   She caught her own breath  for a moment ..
An intense feeling came over her ..  
she felt a rush to her face . As she touched her hair then felt her  cheeks .
She spoke  out loud  ... Colonel ???
Yes  My lady ... ???
she .. sighed and smiled to him .. as he smiled in return..
What had just happened  ???? 
Dare she think ..feel relieved .. 
almost as if to confirm .. but confirm what ?? 
What she had just thought she felt ??  saw??? .. 
or  in fact she was alright and standing  there ..*safe* for now .... 
*gasp* she realized she was not wearing her amulet .. what had just happened to her  ?? 
She tried to regain her own  composure and  dip into the man's own mind .
But something was blocking her .. Her own powers where being tested ..
by what appeared to indeed be A Master of sorts ..
But of what kind of sorts .. Indeed this man had secrets .. and Breezy was determined to find out . 
For she did not feel fear  but rather  .. found him most fascinating .. 
Even though every instinct in her own white golden, bright,heart, mind ,soul and being was telling her ..caution ..  As she was slowly opening herself to this man ..
But why ???
They thanked one another for what was a rather intriguing interesting and 
 quite stimulating conservation .
as they each wished the other a lovely day ..looked forward to meeting again ...
As the Col .. tapped his feet and turned walked away with indeed .. a distinctive  sashay 
all of a sudden.. It happened .. there was that breeze again 
and a flash through Breezy's mind .. *gasp*
Indeed they shall meet again ........

Saturday, April 20, 2013

White Magic: Basic Structure of a ritual and spell

White Magic: Basic Structure of a ritual and spell 
The following Arabic story explains the freedom of the magic. One day a magician and his best student decided to go to the mountains to meditate and fast. During their journey the magician received news about his home being robbed and destroyed. Magician picked up a rock and made several quick movements with it pointing towards his home. He waited for while and then threw the rock in the direction of his home. He said: my enemies are punished, and he continued with his journey towards the mountain. The windows shattered, the broken glass cut the enemies to the flesh and they quickly fled the house. While they were leaving they were struck by lightning  and left blind.Later, the  student had asked: how is it possible that spell worked so well since it was very simple, performed without particular rituals (spells) and how did the master came up with it so quickly. Look my friend, magician answered: the spell is not the ritual (spell), comes form the movement of power. Only that is what it’s important. The visual ritual (spell) is only for the blind inside of you, for the one that does not see the power because of his doubts. You have to convince him with the rituals and spells, and when they are visible you become a believer. Only then, the magic has the full power of your being in order to happen. Then blind now can see. That’s why I was able to perform magic without any visible movements. But it didn't happen until the blind my friend, wanted a successful magic. That’s why it was your power that got rid of the enemies. The ritual (spell), even though it was done quickly and unprepared was convincing because the seer inside of you. And what you see in the reality wasn't the ritual (spell) but a movement of the power and space.
**This story tells us that ritual is alone is sufficient until we believe that white magic comes within. But rituals are an important to create a link between space and the power of intention, as pointed out in the story, they deceive the blind inside us. That means rituals are to define the sense not the spell. That also explains the general believe that magic without ritual is helpless**.
***The knowing of magic gives the magician the freedom to create spontaneous and effective spell free of his beliefs.***

The magic circle is a baseline for the magic acts. In this protected space from outside world you are able to concentrate your power on magic ceremonies. To establish a magic circle it is important to burn a candle and incense if possible. During the ceremony it is important for no one to either enter or leave the circle. But there is always an exception to the rule. At the beginning of each ritual (spell) you summon elements of fire, water, air and earth. You should find and use your own images that will represent four elements and write your representations into a magic journal.
Four magic elements and objects are often used in lots of magic methods but also in myths and stories.
 For example,  famous round table of King Arthur where grail, chalice and sword Excalibur.
 In Tarot cards there is four symbols of minor arcana: swords, cups, wands and coins. 
In astrology the four signs are associated horoscope. 
The fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are associated with dynamic characteristics.
 Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earth signs and people born in these signs are persistent and vivacious
. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are air signs representing analytical and quick thinkers. 
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces part of the water signs, they are intuitive and sensitive.
East- element: air, angel: Michael.
South- element: fire, angel: Uriel.
West- element: water, angel: Rafael.
North- element: earth, angel: Gabriel.
When choosing tools, pay attention to find ones that are most natural. They are more powerful. Also be lead by your intuition more then a exact instructions.

Every ritual and spell has a beginning an end. 
Pay attention to consciously start and end them. 
That’s how you knowingly open and end spell, energy flows into the circle and doesn’t get lost.
Every  spell has a meaning. Define the intend of the spell before you start the ritual and spell. Say it out loud and show it by a gesture. Ritual and spell is a frame for a magic expression and it exhibits. It is important to show the magic gesture in the ritual and spell.
 For example: protective spell requires saying a protective word or making a protective action. 
The bounding spell is defined by wanted contact, you should use union or encircles.
Define all the symbols that you will be using ahead and don’t change them. Symbols carry energy and convey the power but they are hard to replace or exchange.
  • Give yourself enough time for every ritual (spell) and pay attention to the time you decided to spend on it, don’t prolong it. The power of the spell will not get stronger by lengthening of the ritual and spell.
  • By repeating the critical moments of the ritual the spell gets stronger. Make any changes to the rituals (spells) if necessary so you love to repeat it. By repeating them some spells will get stronger (repetition will not move you ahead but will make it stronger), but also by experimenting you can widen your repertoire of active spells.