Tuesday, March 12, 2013

An Interesting Train Ride to Goatswood !

 Breezy was returning from business in London .
Many Secrets she kept to herself, close to her heart and this was one of them ..
Shopping she would say and call it . She tucked the photo along with more of own
her private thoughts
 safely into her locket ..and snapped it tight
 She looked out the window ...*Ready The Knights* ... she thought to herself .
.she paused as she sighed.. 
As this was the first of The two long train rides back to the Village of Goatswood.
*Breezy's own powers continue to grow..Now *Magus* herself 
 She keeps them quite private and her own cullt a secret. 
She turned as she went to open the door to  the Private Supper car .. It seemed jammed .
"Spit Spot" she thought to herself as she tried it again ..She looked inside and could her own 
luggage, indeed this was the right private super car ..what on earth . She stepped back from the door 
as tucked her grimoire in her bag, for a moment looking at her ring .
She briefly looked to the right then to left .. 
. she clutched her locket  as she ..let out a bit of a gasp..As she noticed a familiar face.
One of Lord Leon Cromwell .
Ah the Mistletoe Lady ..  Lady Breezy . he chuckled . what a delightful surprise he stated ..hiding his own bit of surprise .their eyes met ..
. how are you my dear baring more Mistletoe this evening  ?  was his greeting . 
Breezy smiled with a hue of blushing .. Why Lord Cromwell ..a bit of good will, is always good for all man kind Sir, was her reply .. the two took a moment . taking a glance at one another .  
I was having trouble with the door to the private dining car .. she stepped back as he distinguished his cigarette, walked towards the door  and with one touch unlatched and open the door . 
Viola!  he chuckled ..as he opened the door . and motioned to breezy .. 
M'lady seems to be working just fine now .. he said with a knowing smile .
Would you care to join me for dinner  Lady Breezy ? 
Breezy observed the man and smiled .. why thank you Sir, Indeed  that would be lovely .. 
 Playing the innocent, Lord Cromwell is usually joking on others magick publicly,
 telling that it is unreal and that Goatswood is only a calm and peaceful village. 
He is clever and quite skilled to hide his dark nature and he avoids the use magick in front of others. He prefers to cast stronger spells with the help of the cult members.
"United under the night sky, we are one naked child of the starry heaven, we are strong
, we are the dark" 
 Lord Cromwell  entered right after Breezy  and was quickly shown to his regular table . 
Breezy observed the man once again .. something about him .. 
the two characters were as different Night and Day . yet something was a miss between them .
They both seemed to share something ..  Something most private . What on earth could it ever be ?
 Breezy smiled with her usual sparkle in her bright blue eyes 
somehow Lord Cromwell always amused her .. Intelligent and Witty . 
Perhaps this evening she shall learn a bit more about him . Perhaps . 
Her mentor Gabriel had warned her of the Manor house and extended family ..
But being breezy she had to find out a bit more on her own ..
Just a bit .. no harm would come to her .. Not this night .. not at all .
Their Conversation was not challenged in the least ..
Both almost mark men in talking in a round about manor .
Making their opinions known  on certain things yet not conveying much ..
Almost like a game of hide and go seek of mind and matter ..
Indeed their characters  had a bit of fun chatting at great length with one
another revealing next to nothing of their true selves to each over hours .
Yet somehow engaged in enjoyable conversation .
 Dinner and the Long Train ride seemed pleasant enough .  The conversation continued to flow between them Both The Lord Cromwell on his best behavior .and Breezy on hers ..
Guarded yet pleasant to one another .  she smiled and made note to herself . 
Ah the train to Goatswood arrived at the Station..Breezy could not help but notice as if the steam almost parted for the two as they approached the train car ...she got a brief week chill . But it was a sign of sorts .. she noted and continued .Just then Lord Cromwell brought up Raven
the Gypsy girl and her own pageantry for street magic .
Breezy raised an eyebrow to the Gentleman . Why Lord Cromwell certainly you don't believe in such things .. street magic, spells and the such, was her own reply .. 
with a knowing grin .. PT Barum that American showman
Should hire the whole lot of them and get them off our Streets  s
he said with a bit of tongue and cheek .
Cromwell glared back at her .. with a note of interest to her own lack of concern .
(( For indeed the gypsies were of no worry or concern  to breezy , her own secret  powers in White Magic and the occult  kept her well aware and ahead of the comings and goings  of the Gypsies ))
None the less the Fae and the such were not to be frowned upon .
Their eyes met a few times . Breezy had a bit of trouble  reading Cromwell and she took note of it .

Charming .. Interesting and rather enjoyable conversation .. Breezy thought to herself .
Not  much if anything was revealed yet  between these two characters
.. a bit closer if that made sense .. they would meet again .
Both of Their  doors to opinions on one another were still left ajar
for stimulating conversation of the minds in the future .. Perhaps . 
Please after You M'lady ..  She smiles warmly and blushed..
  Why thank You Lord Cromwell .
He chuckled ..

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